
Text från netomarcus - English

  • College Years

  • It is very common to see people saying that the college years was the best time of their lives.
  • It can be true for several reasons.
  • People often go to the college when they are young and everything in the world is new.
  • They are willing to do new stuff, face new adventures, learn about new subjects. Youth is gift.
  • It is only happen once in a lifetime.
  • The men are stronger.
  • The women are beatiful.
  • It is a golden age.
  • When people go to the college, it is usually their first time apart from their parents.
  • You can do everything you want without ask permission to anyone.
  • You can hang out with your friends and drink as much alchool as you want without concerns about the time you should go home.
  • It is the first time that you experience freedoom, which can be used to meet lots of new people, new friends.
  • In the college, you keep contact with different kind of people, cultures, opinions.
  • Otherwise, it has some negative points.
  • Young people are more prone to make mistakes and they make a lot during the college.
  • People take wrong decisions, involve themselves with bad companies, abuse of subtances and do many other stupid acts.
  • It is your first time away from your parents, you have to learn how to live with a lack of money.
  • Deal with a budget can be one the most challenging things for a student and many people give up of their studies because of money.
  • Young people don not have enough experience to make good judgments, therfore a bad judgment at this time can compromise the whole life.
  • In conclusion, the college years can be great for some people or the worse time of their lifes to other.
  • What really matters is what you do of your life, thus the most important element is the way you live.