
irene_farmer'den mesaj - English

  • Organized crime in Russia is in national security context

    • The monograph discovers one of the most actual problems of Russian policy.
    • The problem is related to intensive growth of organized crime activity in Russia.
    • When the author was analyzing the problem, he came to a conclusion that fight against organized crime had to be of integrated nature and had to consist of both measures of criminal sanctions and other ways to fight against the social negative phenomenon.
    • For example, using acts against the main criminal income sources, using neutralization acts against Russian criminal groups and using state and society efforts to form in public consciousness steady negative attitude towards criminality and activity of any criminal groups.
    • The monograph is intended to scientists, educators, elements from the Russian national security services and anybody are interested in the problematics.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English

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    • When the author was analyzing the problem, he came to a conclusion that fight against organized crime had to be of integrated nature and had to consist of both measures of criminal sanctions and other ways to fight against the social negative phenomenon.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • When the author was analyzing the problem, he came to athe conclusion that fight against organized crime had to be of integrated nature and had to consist of both measures of criminal sanctions and other ways to fight against the social negative phenomenon.
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 3YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 3
  • cümle 4
    • For example, using acts against the main criminal income sources, using neutralization acts against Russian criminal groups and using state and society efforts to form in public consciousness steady negative attitude towards criminality and activity of any criminal groups.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • For example, using acts against the main criminal income sources of income , using neutralization acts against Russian criminal groups and using state and societyal efforts to form in public consciousness steady negative attitude towards criminality and activity of any criminal groups.
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 4YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 4
  • cümle 5
    • The monograph is intended to scientists, educators, elements from the Russian national security services and anybody are interested in the problematics.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • The monograph is intended to scientists, educators, elements from the Russian national security services and anybody arewho is interested in the problematics. ¶
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 5YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 5