
Testo da Paulina_paulina - English

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    • The paper explains functions and available methods that can be used on the basis of the IMS Corpus Workbench and the CQP.
    • The main emphasis of the analysis is on methods, which can be used in the CQP query language.
    • It is shown how complex and mighty can be a query language and how vast is the collection of the available corpora.
    • In the analysis there are distinguished different layers of specific corpora, which include the following levels of annotation: POS-tagging, lemma annotation or semantic tags.
    • Each of the levels was elaborate separately with regard to its specific structure and syntax.
  • The examples show a peculiarity of the syntactical structure of the particular layer.
    • Moreover there are presented variety of further possibilities of information with standard and restricted query search or usage of wildcards.
    • A significant part is concentrated on a particular usage of words sequence inquiries.
    • The methods in the query language give access to statistical results such distribution how frequent a word is in different section of the corpus.
  • Furthermore there are demonstrated statistical facilities of collocations and concordance screens.