
Text from loquillo90 - English

  • My day

    • Today I got up at 08:00hs and then I went to college that I have Philosofy class and I learnt a lot about Hegel and Descartes.
    • Just 3 hours later I went out to arrive at home. when I just arrived I made a coffe with milk and some biscuits, after that I meet with my music band because we have to compose a music to next saturday.
    • About 2 hours after we went to restaurant to got togheter with other music band friend.
    • Half 2 hours later I began to practice english with a friend called Sam and right now Im stay here writing this writer for you


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • Today I got up at 08:00hs and then I went to college that I have Philosofy class and I learnt a lot about Hegel and Descartes.
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    • Today I gotwoke up at 08:00hs am and then I went to my college that. I have Philosofphy class and I learnt a lot about Hegel and Descartes.
    • Today I got up at 08:00hsEight o'clock Am and then I went to college thatwhere I haved a Philosofy class and I learnt a lot about Hegel and Descartes.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • Just 3 hours later I went out to arrive at home. when I just arrived I made a coffe with milk and some biscuits, after that I meet with my music band because we have to compose a music to next saturday.
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    • Just 3 hours later, I went out to arrived at hommy house. wWhen I just arrived, I made a coffee with milk and some biscuits, after that I meet with my music band because we have to compose a music to next saturday.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
    • Half 2 hours later I began to practice english with a friend called Sam and right now Im stay here writing this writer for you
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    • H2 and a half 2 hours later, I began to practice english with a friend called Sam and right now I'm staying here writing this writertext for you
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 4