
Text from Ignacio777 - English

  • The discovery

  • I owe to the conjunction of a mirror and of an encyclopedia the discovery of a child of steep eyes, mounted in a carousel who was attracted towards the exterior by the distant figures.
  • In the vast and distressing landscape.
  • Where the pardon of sorrow(sentences), the nuclear garbage and the social spoliation the revistía, very strong figure, acolyte of the solar black god and clothes spoiled of eclectic dreamer, looked at his(her,your) Father the Sun behind the visible Sun, certainly and it was fascinated.
  • The mass of there influenced the inertia of here, Bartholomew thought, and across the gravity, the distant objects affected the movement of the nearby ones, and to his(her,your) way of turning.
  • Bartholomew in his(her,your) first Sunday walk as graduate's cycle of the university, knew that the bodies that move to constant speed would continue doing it to this speed until it(he,she) operates on them some force.
  • Bartholomew demonstrated to be a celestial body that: it(he,she) is in orbit about yes same, has sufficient mass in order that his(her,your) own(proper) gravity is imposed to the forces of a rigid body, so that he(she) acquires a round form, and clears the surroundings of his(her,your) orbit.
  • A force (for example, a push) provides an acceleration that alters the speed of the object.
  • The acceleration is a change in the speed during a certain time, and as the force it(he,she) is equal to the mass for the acceleration.
  • Or what is the same thing, the acceleration is equal to force for unit of mass.
  • For a constant acceleration, force for unit of mass also is invariable.
  • This way so(then), to move a child it is necessary to have the same quantity of force, already be this one it(he,she) departs from a big or small body, but to every action(share) a reaction exists and if Bartholomew was pushing the child, Bartholomew also would be expelled to the same speed that the child.
  • Bartholomew on having seen the imminence of the car with the minuscule infante, ran he(it) was doing.
  • His(her,your) two hands pushed strongly.
  • Bartholomew and the child received the impact.
  • He(It) knew that the gravity is not a habit easy to retire and the body of both you upset it was an inert(passive) mass of gravitation in the limited(small) space.
  • And the logical thing happened: all the objects of the universe were attracting to all the rest objects of the universe along a straight line formed(trained) by the centers of the objects, proportional to the mass of every object and inversely proportionally to the square of the distance between(among) the objects.
  • It(he,she) would not be not serious at all for the present time.
  • Because of a disintegrated particle being struck this way same as a pendulum and in the instant, the child divided in two beings: dead-alive(vivacious).
  • A crowd cesgada for the lights and stunned of rumors, it(he,she) approached towards the dead-alive(vivacious) child, to origin of such an intricacy.
  • Especially, Procuress was observing with the eyes of emancipating machine, that Bartholomew's stuck-up body.
  • It(He,She) saw it as a sexual corrupt alloy.
  • If it(he,she) was for her(it), it(he,she) was inviting it to sleep in fictional(fantastic) zone.
  • Sadly, she(it) had promised him(her) his(her,your) caniche toy, to see Disney World's movie on having finished.


  • Title
  • Vakya 1
    • I owe to the conjunction of a mirror and of an encyclopedia the discovery of a child of steep eyes, mounted in a carousel who was attracted towards the exterior by the distant figures.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 1
  • Vakya 2
  • Vakya 3
    • Where the pardon of sorrow(sentences), the nuclear garbage and the social spoliation the revistía, very strong figure, acolyte of the solar black god and clothes spoiled of eclectic dreamer, looked at his(her,your) Father the Sun behind the visible Sun, certainly and it was fascinated.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 3
  • Vakya 4
    • The mass of there influenced the inertia of here, Bartholomew thought, and across the gravity, the distant objects affected the movement of the nearby ones, and to his(her,your) way of turning.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4
  • Vakya 5
    • Bartholomew in his(her,your) first Sunday walk as graduate's cycle of the university, knew that the bodies that move to constant speed would continue doing it to this speed until it(he,she) operates on them some force.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 5
  • Vakya 6
    • Bartholomew demonstrated to be a celestial body that: it(he,she) is in orbit about yes same, has sufficient mass in order that his(her,your) own(proper) gravity is imposed to the forces of a rigid body, so that he(she) acquires a round form, and clears the surroundings of his(her,your) orbit.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 6
  • Vakya 7
  • Vakya 8
    • The acceleration is a change in the speed during a certain time, and as the force it(he,she) is equal to the mass for the acceleration.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 8
  • Vakya 9
  • Vakya 10
  • Vakya 11
    • This way so(then), to move a child it is necessary to have the same quantity of force, already be this one it(he,she) departs from a big or small body, but to every action(share) a reaction exists and if Bartholomew was pushing the child, Bartholomew also would be expelled to the same speed that the child.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 11
  • Vakya 12
  • Vakya 13
  • Vakya 14
  • Vakya 15
    • He(It) knew that the gravity is not a habit easy to retire and the body of both you upset it was an inert(passive) mass of gravitation in the limited(small) space.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 15ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 15
  • Vakya 16
    • And the logical thing happened: all the objects of the universe were attracting to all the rest objects of the universe along a straight line formed(trained) by the centers of the objects, proportional to the mass of every object and inversely proportionally to the square of the distance between(among) the objects.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 16
  • Vakya 17
  • Vakya 18
    • Because of a disintegrated particle being struck this way same as a pendulum and in the instant, the child divided in two beings: dead-alive(vivacious).
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 18
  • Vakya 19
    • A crowd cesgada for the lights and stunned of rumors, it(he,she) approached towards the dead-alive(vivacious) child, to origin of such an intricacy.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 19ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 19
  • Vakya 20
  • Vakya 21
  • Vakya 22
  • Vakya 23