text de la - English

  • Internet

    • Well, I am happy to being in 20th century.
    • Beside the disadvantages we are more able to reach to knowledge easily.Faster,closer, variable than before.
    • One of the greatest achievement of this list has started a new age: Internet.
    • I strongly believe that because almost all areas habit changed and improved.
    • When you look at the other subjects on the list you can recognize that internet contributes all of this areas.
    • For example, I am able to participate this course in my home.
    • Thanks to internet, I will got my diploma from a university which distance is 9000 km.
    • People even can educate themselves on the internet.
  • For instance on Youtube you can reach billions of tutorials.
  • Also internet improved the healthcare.
  • You can find interactive health content online.
    • In this digital world, reaching to knowledge is easy even than before.
    • Internet still continue to help developing our lives.
    • Collobrating with this greatest achievement people can improve the other areas.

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