
Text from nelling - English

    • My writing from a song

  • I was being dragged down, down by the hand.
    • It was such a big and huge hole that it looked like sucking me constantly.
    • It was already feeding on me even before the hand of a golden giant man killed me.
    • There was nothing but dark and the echo of my dragging and the footsteps of the giant man.
    • I couldn't even shout and struggle.
  • The hand didn't stop dragging me.
  • "Why are you doing this to me?
  • I have nothing to give you.
    • I don't have a house, money and my family. Nothing.
    • And I'm so small for you to eat." My voice was trembling.
  • The giant didn't budge an inch.
    • I felt so sad that I realised I couldn't remember nothing special in my life despite the death was right before me like this.
    • I didn't even have things I would leave and people I would miss before dying.
    • The golden big giant said, "I eat your fear of me.
  • I don't want anything but it.
  • Anybody who is caught by me is eaten, because everybody is scared of me".
  • I said, "Now you can't eat me, because I'm full of vain about my life.
  • It isn't fear, it's a regret.
  • What were my days?
  • If I had my family and friends, I would be fearful I couldn't stay with them any more.
  • I don't feel scared of you.
  • I just feel empty about not trying to achieve a lot of things that I could get if I made an effort".
  • The giant got angry.
  • He roared and found my regret took over the dead of him.
  • The angry giant crushed my knuckles and splitted my skin.
  • "It doesn't gives me any fear." And I told my feet to move it.
  • I hope they have a plan.
  • These little black sandals started to walk me away and head the right way.
  • They saved my life today.
  • So now I was free from the big bad giant who was stalking me .