
Text from will-linzhiyang - English

  • Profile

  • At the moment I'm studying German Studies and Portuguese in Brazil.
    • I study in UFMG, one of the three best universities here.
    • I have already lived in USA for a year.
    • There I studied Computer Science as an exchange student, and also started learning German.
    • However when I came back to Brazil, I decided to switch my Major, because I feel myself more into foreign languages than in IT.
    • This was the most difficult decision that I have ever made, but I don't regret.
    • Since 2013 I'm teaching English in a language school, and two years ago I started teaching German.
  • I teach both languages for people of every age.
    • I have five students who are around five years old and also one who is sixty.
    • I'm also learning Chinese since January and I've got the second position in a Chinese contest named Chinese Bridge which happened in my Province.
    • I simply loved the Chinese language and culture and hope to learn more languages from Asia in a near future.
  • I've already worked in many different areas.
    • I started when I was sixteen years old programming in a Company placed in Sao Paulo, where I was born.
    • One year later I moved to another job, where I worked with graphic design for almost two years.
    • Afterwards I started my Major in Computer Science and research with a former Professor in the Database area.
    • Besides those jobs, I also worked as a bilingual receptionist in a hotel in the city that I'm living now: Belo Horizonte.
  • But now I work as a teacher.
  • I teach German and English, but from time to time I also teach Portuguese to foreign students.
    • I wish I could have traveled more, but unfortunately I haven't traveled a lot yet.
    • I've been only to USA, where I had amazing experiences.
  • I had a great time living inside a culturally different environment.
    • Since then I decided to travel more and to know the whole world, especially Asia.