
Сообщение от BERTRANDRUSSELL - English

    • (2) Social Sham vs Communication Revolution

    • Both texts agrees on the long hours decicated among youngsters.
    • While the first text considers it the cause of social incompetence, the second reckons it a springboard to have no more empty social interations.
  • On the one hand, it is true that keeping in touch every single minute can make people dependent on each other.
  • The smorgasbord of the cutting edge of technological devices has become part and parcel of life on a daily bases.
    • Having the posibility of selecting from a wide range of activities, amongst which we can find the ones through the screens and the more traditional taken place at cafés and similar social facilities.
  • Youngsters could prefer the easiest ones to achieve.
    • While they are surfing they can remain in their comfort zone, reading and watchin what they want.
    • In the end, when they have to deal with the world out there, the could feel jeopardised by finding people who question their thoughts, maybe for the first time, therefore they tend to spend more hours with their heads under the parapet.
    • On the other hand, having been taught beforehand how to use the Internet in an sceptical way they could sift the information and consequently give a meaning to the world in which theylive in.
  • Having time to think on their own could make half-growns capable to select their friendships.
  • If the youth is choosing to be surrounded by like-minded people they are increasing their chances to be happy.
    • What is crucial in this aspect to agree with the second paragraph is the compulsory training time, otherwise the social interation could be meaningless both in the virtual and real world.
  • A gullible society could be gotten, had youth no mindset to select right information.
  • As far as I am concerned, virtual world is part of real world.
  • The forefront of technology paces quicker than our adaptation.
    • Adaptation requires knowledge, this is the key to achieve a society with wellreported free souls.

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