

Text from BERTRANDRUSSELL - English

  • Social Sham vs Communication Revolution

  • Both texts expose the two sides of the use of the white heat of technology.
    • The first text unfolds a pessimist point of view, where the cutting edge of hi-tech improvements are seen mainly as a drawback.
    • What electronic based achivements are to blame is for keeping the young heads under the parapet of a virtual world.
  • This isolation created by real world substitutes is part and parcel of the computer- based social relationships amongst youngsters.
    • Had I agree with this I would consider that laziness make young prefer to be alone because they would not need to argue about anything, they just sit and enjoy.
    • However, the second paragraph flesh out a raver point of view.
    • Having extricated from the time and space hampering for conecting people, the forefront of technological innovation give youngs a smorgasboard of different ways of steadfasting in touch with all kind of friends whenever theywant.
    • Young people remain at the sharp end of the information adquisition, achiving deeper in meaning relationships, unthinkable before the technological era.
    • Hardly can this be believed, when it comes to a news young minds tend to believe what they feel like and maybe in a superficial way.
    • I would ratherrecalibrate both paragraphs in order to be deferential with both views.
    • Getting down to the nitty-gritty, on the one hand, the contempt of the "ominous" internet as a matter of attrition of traditional relationships, is partly understandable as people tend to be atomisedby living in the bubble of the individualism but at the same time allows youngsters to select their environment and achieve a happier social life;on the other hand, the groundswell of public opinion which consider internet a need in their life, a place where they can show everybody the best part of themselves, a kind of perfect world where everybody struggles and suffer to remain always happy, where there is no room for sadness, at least in the virtual world.
    • We are living a period of adaptation, and an equilibrium between the excesive individual use of Internet and the gathering with like-minded people must be achieved by teaching youngsters how to use the information and manage their time to avoid individualismand extreme trust in everything they feel through the screen.


  • Title
  • Vakya 1
  • Vakya 2
    • The first text unfolds a pessimist point of view, where the cutting edge of hi-tech improvements are seen mainly as a drawback.
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    • The first text unfolds in a pessimist point of view, where the cutting edge of hi-tech improvements are seen mainly as a drawback.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 2
  • Vakya 3
  • Vakya 4
    • This isolation created by real world substitutes is part and parcel of the computer- based social relationships amongst youngsters.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4
  • Vakya 5
    • Had I agree with this I would consider that laziness make young prefer to be alone because they would not need to argue about anything, they just sit and enjoy.
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    • Had I agreed with this I would consider that laziness makes the young prefer to be alone because t. They would not need to argue about anything, they just sit and enjoy.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 5
  • Vakya 6
  • Vakya 7
    • Having extricated from the time and space hampering for conecting people, the forefront of technological innovation give youngs a smorgasboard of different ways of steadfasting in touch with all kind of friends whenever theywant.
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    • Having been extricated from the time and space hampering forconstraints hampering people from connecting with other people, the forefront of technological innovation gives youngsters a smorgasboard of different ways of steadfastaying in touch with all kind of friends whenever they want.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 7
  • Vakya 8
    • Young people remain at the sharp end of the information adquisition, achiving deeper in meaning relationships, unthinkable before the technological era.
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    • Young people remain at the sharp end of the information adcquisition, a. Achieving deeper inand more meaningful relationships, unthinkable before the technological era.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 8
  • Vakya 9
    • Hardly can this be believed, when it comes to a news young minds tend to believe what they feel like and maybe in a superficial way.
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    • Hardly can this be believed, when it comes to a news young minds tend to believe what they feel like and maybe in a superficial way.!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 9
  • Vakya 10
  • Vakya 11
    • Getting down to the nitty-gritty, on the one hand, the contempt of the "ominous" internet as a matter of attrition of traditional relationships, is partly understandable as people tend to be atomisedby living in the bubble of the individualism but at the same time allows youngsters to select their environment and achieve a happier social life;on the other hand, the groundswell of public opinion which consider internet a need in their life, a place where they can show everybody the best part of themselves, a kind of perfect world where everybody struggles and suffer to remain always happy, where there is no room for sadness, at least in the virtual world.
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    • Getting down to the nitty-gritty, on the. On one hand, the contempt held by _______of the "ominous" internet as a matter of attrition of traditional relationships, is partly understandable as people tend to be atomiszed by living in the bubble of the individualism but a. At the same time it allows youngsters to select their environment and achieve a happier social life;o. On the other hand, the groundswell of public opinion which consider internet a need in their life,. This is a place where they can show everybody the best part of themselves, a. It is kind of perfect world where everybody struggles and suffers to remain always happy, where t. There is no room for sadness, at least in the virtual world.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 11
  • Vakya 12
    • We are living a period of adaptation, and an equilibrium between the excesive individual use of Internet and the gathering with like-minded people must be achieved by teaching youngsters how to use the information and manage their time to avoid individualismand extreme trust in everything they feel through the screen.
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    • We are living a period of adaptation, and an equilibrium between the excessive individual use of the Internet and the gathering with like-minded people must be achieved by teaching youngsters how to use the information and manage their time to avoid individualism and extreme trust in everything they feel through the screen.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 12