
Rédigé par roberlg - English

    • Advantages and disadvantages of eBooks and paper books

    • Nowadays most of people like gadchets, especially young people.
    • It seems that all news electronic items are better than older.
    • The books could be an example of this.
    • On the one hand, electronics books has some advantages, the first one is the size, it is more reduced than traditional books, obviously if the size is reduced, the weight will be reduced too.
    • On the other hand, eBooks has some disadvantages, for example, if you like search a paragraph or a specific section, it is easier in a typical book than eBook.
    • Because in an old book you can pass pages faster and while you can look for the paragraph or section.
    • In my opinion eBooks are a good idea for take a book for trips because it is low weight and you can leave in a small handbag for example.
    • Otherwise if you like study a subject, I think is better a paper book because you can underline important things, and you can put marks between pages to find faster a specific page, paragraph or similar.
    • Therefore eBooks are useful but it won’t replace paper books.