
Rédigé par Zoe38 - English


    • I'm going to talk about the notion of of spaces and exchanges made in marriages and more specifically the arranged marriages.
    • This marriage is a kind of marriage that is practiced in India.
  • In this country, there are two ways to find a partner.
    • First, you publish an advert in the newspapers.
    • Secondly, through your acquaintances, someone who knows another family, or friends.
    • It's completely opposite of love marriage.
    • So, for or against arranged marriage ?
    • In the first place, we shall see why we can go against arranged marriage.
    • In the second place, we shall analyze why we can stand for the arranged marriage.
    • On the one hand, we can be against arranged marriage.
    • In Western culture, you don't practice an arranged marriage because you think it's necessary to love your partner to get married, so they usually practice love matches.
    • In this culture, getting married with someone you don't love is crazy !
    • Moreover, it's difficult to get to know each other and falling in love after marriage doesn't neccessarily happen..
    • Furthermore, you don't really divorce because divorce is considered ill or you can say , it's shameful.
    • You don't really have a choice because it's your parents who decide your fiancé for you based on a lots of criterion.
  • Anyway they want to get married because staying single is considered inappropriate.
  • They accept marriage merely as a tradition.
    • To conclude, it can be said that the notion of love is essential for Western culture, and arranged marriage is crazy to you!
  • On the other hand, we can be for arranged marriage.
    • Parents choose partner for their children according to diffrents criterions.
    • The 2 most important criteria seem to be religion and social background.
  • Moreover, they expect their partner to have the same religion and to belong to the same caste.
    • They can't get married with someone belonging to another caste !The indians values are numerous such as be caring, kind, smart, strong, education..
    • The profile of the 2 partners should be compatible !
    • Besides, you expect your partner to have a good relation with her or his family-in-law.
  • The families know each other, so the future wife/husband isn't a stranger.
    • They meet the girl's/boy'sfamily to see if they are a respectful family.
    • In addition, the divorce rate in western culture is very high , actually it's 50% in USA , which is crazy!
  • In Indian culture , the divorce rate is very low.
    • Western culture isn't better because love marriage ends up in divorce.
  • Even if you don't know the future husband/wife, you can fall in love with him/her after marriage.
    • And the notion of love happens most of the times after the marriage.
    • In conclusion, it says, there isn't a good marriage because it's depend of your culture.
    • I'm totally against the arranged marriage because, it isn't in my western culture, for me it's crazy.
    • You have choice to take every decision of your life.
  • But I still respect this marriage.