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  • Report on AIDS.

    • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - a set of manifestations of suppression of the immune system as a result of the defeat of its human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
    • AIDS patient loses resistance to infectious diseases, that people with a normal immune system do not constitute threats, - pneumonia, fungal diseases and the like, as well as to cancer.
    • After a (sometimes large) time after infection develops so-called a clinical syndrome, which eventually leads to death.
  • AIDS was first identified in 1981.
    • The fact that it is HIV, was established in 1983, but it took almost ten years to the doctors realized that in the absence of intensive treatment outcome of this infectious disease is always lethal.
    • Currently, the treatment developed techniques to preserve the health and prolong the life of patients, but they are imperfect, expensive and tedious.
  • In addition, they are inaccessible to the vast majority of HIV-infected people living in developing countries.
    • The optimal solution would be inexpensive vaccine, but the vaccine is not present and in the near future is not expected.
    • Therefore, the main way to prevent the spread of this deadly disease is lifestyle changes and behavior.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English