Tatiana1680からのテキスト - English

    • Shopping online.

    • I think that shopping online is becoming more and more popular nowadays.
    • More people are using the Web to sop for a wide variety of items.
  • Shopping online is very comfortable.
    • It is accessible twenty-four and seven days a week.
    • This is useful for mons with a small children or busy people and for people who love in awful weather conditions.
    • Also, in the Internet you have an opportunity to compare prices from hundreds online stores.
    • In online stores, your variety of good is unlimited.
    • And, if you don`t see what you want in one store online, you can simply move on the next one.
    • And the main advantage of this is cheaper prices compared to store prices.
    • Unfortunately, there are disadvantages.
  • For example, you can`t try things on.
  • Also, if you want to do shopping for therapy, you can`t do it.
    • Sometimes you can buy pig in a poke on the Internet.
    • In my opinion, better to do shopping in stores because you may check the quality of goods.
    • Also, you can do shopping therapy

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English