
MariaSmith5 (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Adolescents

  • Despite what many people say, adolescents face a large number of really tough problems.
    • What these people –who try to play down the growing pains- forget to mention is that adolescence is a full of alterations period, and when I talk about alterations I mean not only in a physical domain, but mostly in the social domain.
  • These changes affect their psychology in a very hard way.
    • As I see it, the most serious problem that adolescents are called to tackle is to find their own place in the society of adults.
    • It is obvious that being an adolescent means that you are neither a child, nor an adult.
    • Specifically, you are something exactly in the middle, a child who tries to be an adult.
  • The main problem begins when there is a generation gap between adults and adolescents.
    • Adults have their own settled mentality, which is much more different than adolescents’.
    • This last causes a great deal of confusion in their juvenile minds.
    • That is the reason why it is difficult for adolescents to find an adult model that suits them and become mature individuals.
    • Undoubtedly, to tackle this problem the initial goal mast be the bridge of the generation gap.
  • This may be achieved by trying to feel empathy for each other.
    • For instance, parents or tutors at school should try to understand the mentality and the reasons why the young boy or girl they have opposite them, moves or thinks this way.
    • This feeling of empathy also can be attached or improved by participating in groups in which they both, adults and teenagers could do role-playing activities.
    • All in all, adolescence is a full of hard knocks period and the way to adultness is extremely tough.
    • Nevertheless, with foundations like these we have discussed, there is no doubt that they could be able to achieve an ego identity and to tackle the passing from adolescence to adulthood.

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  • 제목
  • 문장 1
  • 문장 2
    • What these people –who try to play down the growing pains- forget to mention is that adolescence is a full of alterations period, and when I talk about alterations I mean not only in a physical domain, but mostly in the social domain.
    • What these people who try to play down the growing pains- forget to mention is that adolescence is a period full of alterations period, and w. When I talk about alterations, I mean not only in a physical domain, but mostly in the social domain.
    • What these people –who try to play down the growing pains- forget to mention is that adolescence is a period full of alterations period, and when I talk about alterations , I mean not only in a physical domain, but mostly in the social domain.
  • 문장 3
  • 문장 4
    • As I see it, the most serious problem that adolescents are called to tackle is to find their own place in the society of adults.
    • As I see it, the most serious problem that adolescents are called to tacklface is to finding their own place in thea society of adults.
  • 문장 5
  • 문장 6
  • 문장 7
  • 문장 8
  • 문장 9
  • 문장 10
    • That is the reason why it is difficult for adolescents to find an adult model that suits them and become mature individuals.
    • That is the reason why it is difficult for adolescents to find an adult role model thatwho suits them and help them in becomeing mature individuals.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 10ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 10
  • 문장 11
    • Undoubtedly, to tackle this problem the initial goal mast be the bridge of the generation gap.
    • Undoubtedly, to tackle this problem the initial goal maust be theo bridge of the generation gap.
    • Undoubtedly, to tackle this problem ,the initial goal maust be to narrow down the bridge of theis generation gap.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 11
  • 문장 12
  • 문장 13
    • For instance, parents or tutors at school should try to understand the mentality and the reasons why the young boy or girl they have opposite them, moves or thinks this way.
    • For instance, parents or tutors at school should try to understand the mentality and the reasons why the young boys or girls , they have oppositearound them, moves or thinks this way.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 13ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 13
  • 문장 14
    • This feeling of empathy also can be attached or improved by participating in groups in which they both, adults and teenagers could do role-playing activities.
    • This feeling of empathy also can be attachenhanced or improved by participating in groups in which they both, adults and teenagers could both do role-playing activities.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 14
  • 문장 15
    • All in all, adolescence is a full of hard knocks period and the way to adultness is extremely tough.
    • All in all, adolescence is a period full of hard knocks period and the way to adultnesshood is extremely tough.
    • All in all, adolescence is a period full of hard knocks period and the way to adultnesshood is extremely tough.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 15ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 15
  • 문장 16
    • Nevertheless, with foundations like these we have discussed, there is no doubt that they could be able to achieve an ego identity and to tackle the passing from adolescence to adulthood.
    • Nevertheless, with foundations like these we have discussed, there is no doubt that they could be able to achieve an ego identity and to tackle the passing from adolescence to adulthood.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 16