
Tekst fra - English

  • A horoscope

    • I know some people don't belive in horoscopes and fortunes.
    • As the Turks say, "Don't believe in fortunes, but don't get stuck without one." I have interest in horoscopes.I always check out what stars say about me today.I am an Airies.Almost I have all features that my personality Descriptions of the zodiac sign.Leo and Sagittarius are friends sign of Aries.Generally I get on well with people who has one of these signs.And Cancer.. is my enemy :)

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    • As the Turks say, "Don't believe in fortunes, but don't get stuck without one." I have interest in horoscopes.I always check out what stars say about me today.I am an Airies.Almost I have all features that my personality Descriptions of the zodiac sign.Leo and Sagittarius are friends sign of Aries.Generally I get on well with people who has one of these signs.And Cancer.. is my enemy :)
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    • As the Turks say, "Don't believe in fortunes, but don't get stuck without one."¶I have a huge interest in horoscopes.I always check out what the stars say about me today.I am an Airies.Almost I have and I have almost all features that mythe personality Ddescriptions of the my zodiac sign show.Leo and Sagittarius are friends sign of Aries.Generally I get on well with people who has one of these signs.And Cancer.. is my enemy :)¶¶
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