
текст з - English

    • Hello

    • What did size of the home farmdepend from?
  • Did the peasants try to farm more land?
    • The peasants drained marshland and tried to grow food on high ground and on other poor land did not they?
    • Why did bad harvests years come?
    • Landowning widows found themselves courted by land-hungry single men did not they?
    • What kind of activities came in thirteenth century?
    • Shortage of food led to a sharp rise in prices at the end of the twelth century did not it?
  • Would prices be high in a bad season?
    • Where do we know about debts of nobles and knights from?
    • Was feudalism slowly dying out or not?
    • Where did landless people go to?
    • Foreign merchants seeking high quality wool frequently attended the larger fairs did not they?
    • Were schools of learning established in many towns and cities?
    • Why were children studing Latin?
    • Why was Latin important?
  • Where were two schools of higher learning established?
    • Some Anglo- Saxon words ceased to be used altogether did not it?

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