
Gyulusa (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Please, correct my sentences

    • Did Henry introduce the idea that all crimes even those inside the family were no longer only a family matter but a breaking of the "kings peace"?
    • What was duty of king?
    • They dealt both with crimes and disagreements over property did not they?
    • Who was the judges by the end of the twelfth century?
  • Why was England unlike the rest of Europe?
    • Could the accused man be tested in battle against a skilled fighter, or tested by "ordeal" or not?
    • Was a typical "ordeal" put a hot iron on the man's tongue?
    • When did the pope forbade to Church to have something to do with trial by ordeal?
    • When did he allow an accused man in certain cases to claim "trial by jury"?
    • Could man chose twelve neighbours "twelve good men and true", who would help him prove that he was not guilty?
  • Did the Church try to prevent priests from marrying?
    • The monasteries were centres of wealth and learning were not it?
    • Where did landlords obtaine their income from?
  • Where was Robin Hood living?
  • How was Robin Hood described?

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