
MR-GLOT (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Answering a letter

  • Dear John, I write to you to answer your proposition of living in North America for a couple of years.
    • And I have been considered it since you told it to me spite of being a unique opportunity I doubt.
  • I’d like to tell you my reasons for and against: I’m completely aware of it would be an unforgettable experience and it will change my life at least.
    • I also know that I could improve my English much and I will be working on what I have studied.
    • And here I have fewer choices to improve my life’s quality.
  • But there are some reasons to stay in my country.
  • North America is very far from my country and I couldn’t go back when I wish.
    • My family and friends are here and I would be difficult to start a new life abroad.
    • In addition, I will have to get used to culture and habits and the beginning I will feel misunderstood.
    • So considering all what I have told you I thank you your offer but I have to reject it.
    • Thanks you again and I hope we see each other soon Best wishes, Nick.

각 문장을 수정해주세요! - English