
Tekst fra - English

  • The internet

    • The internet is a really recent technologie which evolves very very fast.
    • I mean that the simple idea of being able to communicate with the whole world instantly was unimaginable fifty years ago .The internet has changed considerabely our way of life, making it a lot easier in a lot cases.
  • For example, it has never been so easy than today to access knowledge.
    • With the internet, you can make enquires or learn pretty much anything you fancy.
    • Indeed, the internet has the great advantge to gather at the same place with a limitless access all the expertise on almost every subject(thirty years ago you would have to gather a lot of books to access knowledge) It has also made the communication easier, for example thanks to the social networks among other things, we can speak instantly and for free with our friends or relatives that are far away, or even abroad which is again, something unimaginable fifty years ago.

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    • I mean that the simple idea of being able to communicate with the whole world instantly was unimaginable fifty years ago .The internet has changed considerabely our way of life, making it a lot easier in a lot cases.
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    • I mean that the simple idea of being able to communicate with the whole world instantly was unimaginable fifty years ago .The internet has changed considerabely our way of life, making it a lot easier in a lotmany cases.
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    • Indeed, the internet has the great advantge to gather at the same place with a limitless access all the expertise on almost every subject(thirty years ago you would have to gather a lot of books to access knowledge) It has also made the communication easier, for example thanks to the social networks among other things, we can speak instantly and for free with our friends or relatives that are far away, or even abroad which is again, something unimaginable fifty years ago.
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    • Indeed, the internet has the great advantge to gather at the same place with a limitless access , all the expertise on almost every subject(thirty years ago you would have to gather a lot of books to access knowledge).¶It has also made the communication easier, for example -thanks to the social networks among other things, we can speak instantly and for free with our friends or relatives that are far away, or even abroad which iwas again, something unimaginable fifty years ago. ¶
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 5Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 5