
Text od OldScratch92 - English

  • Introducing myself to the community

  • Hi, everyone!
    • My name is Chiara, I am italian (so I can teach my native language, or try to correct you, at least!) and I'd really like to improve my English and learn (from the very beginning) Spanish and French, please, help me enrich my foreign language knowledge! Thanks :)


  • Titul
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • My name is Chiara, I am italian (so I can teach my native language, or try to correct you, at least!) and I'd really like to improve my English and learn (from the very beginning) Spanish and French, please, help me enrich my foreign language knowledge! Thanks :)
      Vote now!
    • My name is Chiara, I am italian (so I can teach my native language, or try to correct you, at least!) and I'd really like to improve my English and learn (from the very beginning) Spanish and French, p. Please, help me enrich my knowledge of foreign language knowledges! Thanks :)
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2