
Text från The_Man - English

    • Digital Games Sales

    • The bar chart illustrates how 4 types of digital games (mobile phone games, online games, console games, handheld games) were sold in the preiod of 2000-2006.
  • The units are given in billions of US dollars.
    • Overall, handheld games were the most successful digital product over 2000-2006, whereas console games were steadily loosing their popularity during these years.
  • Mobile and online games were new to the market but their sales grew rapidly.
    • In 2000 global sales of handheld games accounted to just below 12$bn; in the next 6 years sales growth was steady and resulted in almost 18$bn income.
    • In contrast, console games sales saw a drop from about 6$bn in 2000 to nearly 3$bn in 2006.
    • Online games first introduced to the market in 2001 returned less than 1$bn that year, but in the next year their sales witnessed constant a increase, which led to almost 9$bn sales in 2006.
    • Similarly, mobile games started in 2002 with approximately 1$bn sales, which exceeded 6$bn in 2006.