
Text from poned - English

  • Our Friends

    • Dogs are our personal assistans.
    • If they train well, they can even wash your clothes.
    • Especially some breeds like Labrodor retriever, Golden retriever train specially for disabled people.
    • These dogs called service dogs.
    • They are helping to swicth on/off lights, bring an object, open/close doors and can respond more than fifty command.
    • However, a cat doesn't have this kind of intelligence and they do something whatever they want.
    • Dogs are being pleasure to help human.
    • There is no thing more loyal than a dog.
    • They never flee you.
    • Hachiko is an very famous dog which known as its remarkable loyalty to his owner.
    • Hachiko welcomed his owner everyday in train station.
    • Unbelievely, Hachiko continued to wait his owner after he died for next nine years.
    • Cats love you but not more than themselves.
    • Your dog belive that love in first sight.
    • Thus, dogs can train more easily and make easier our life.
    • Cats are like other pets they only needs food.
    • Dogs are the best pets which have excellect intelligence and huge hearth.