
Текст од 1_Dimon - English

  • 6

  • Each group of people has a person who has been managing that group since the moment of foundation, Periodically, in a case of increasing amount number of group members, the community's leader is being faced with a dual statement of making the choice between involving an inexperienced participant into the group or initiating negotiations with experienced personality.
  • The choice compels a raw of consequential reactions and tangible aftermaths for the community, and certainly responsibility are mounted on a head's shoulders.
  • And I believe the most effective result, that comes after outlooks evaluation, should be designated through comprehensive and exhaustive analysis of a compliance for all company's goals.
  • First side, an experienced man, in a supplement for that person a dozen facts are speaking loudly.
  • He already has diverse variations of different issues solving, due to his participation the community obtain another firm brick, adopted up to composition.
  • The leader's occupation time will not be extended by serving and sharing knowledge about complicated points in development process.
  • Probably the group will gain another portion of credibility and confident.
  • He possess of ready-to-go plans and peculiar tempers that would be triggered in emergency.
  • That is a superb applicant for industry and factory due to intensions leads processes in a reference to technological documentations and State Standards.
    • But is the decision such obvious?
  • Certainly, no. Every coin is dual-sided and exactly these example will provide us with evidences .
  • Generally speaking, in some work fields, specifically which needs to spark off creativity, designing, brainstorming type of activity in an employee, and the presence of pointed skills could be destructive and negative.
  • Conservative approach sometimes would cross out all of advantages and become a barrier for newest ideas and implementations of peculiar approaches.
  • In this case, inexperienced worker will ignite group's activity with invention of fresh air of his viewpoints.
  • The decision of which type of worker fits a company beneficially depends on a company's fields of interests.
  • And I believe tremendous productivity will be acquired only through combination both type of workers inside.
  • The main quest is the ratio between contention of inexperienced and experienced stuff.
  • It is related to the company sphere of development.
  • And a leader will become the greatest only, after profoundly has understood an optimal ratio for his group.