
Adrian_200'den mesaj - English

  • My travel

    • I was on travel in mountains two weeks ago.
    • It wasn't hard experience because it mountain is low.
    • However I took my 3 years old daughter.
    • We were with my friend, who is single from few months and has got a lot of time .
    • My wife was in her study and can't go with us.
  • I expected problems because my daughter can't walk far on foot.
    • In addition I had to carried a lot of luggage.
    • It turned out that she held out difficulties.
    • Only last twenty minutes I had to carried her.
    • There was a fair weather and bunch of people in route.
    • We rode lift on the top through the lion's share of route, but we goes on foot also.
    • My daughter was glad and we also.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English