
Мәтін алынған ... - English

  • Cold day

  • When I went to bed I could not sleep.
    • The cold embrace and wrapped the house, and awareness of my solitude became suspicion and fear.
    • If we look positively to loneliness is not separation, on the contrary, we can come to see it as a union, is to unite us with our soul, with our experience, with our being, then from this healthy company reach another.
    • Sometimes it also happens that although we are accompanied "we feel alone." I got up, and put the radio, I wanted to hear something, something that someone approached me or inform me.
  • The luckiest roam the city and fields, drinking in streams, in the sources, in the villages of red fish ponds.
    • They look everywhere for something to eat, chasing a hen, catch a squirrel in a park.
    • And gradually the tortures of hunger erase centuries of bondage.
  • Stealthily approach the unburied corpses ..
  • The flowers withered on parched gardens.
  • He returned, crossed the park of the playground, and climbed the rocks.
    • Two of them were played at the top, forming a sort of small cave; a natural, primitive, shelter gave me the idea of ​​putting up with rock S.O.S.
    • I did but without hope.
    • I concluded that I had become the man who endures very bad mortal, having limitations, not being omnipotent being exposed to diseases, to decrepitude and death.
    • That morning draw a plan.
    • In an urban district two million inhabitants, they must have survived others.
  • The solution was obvious; I had to find someone, anywhere. But how?
  • I walked through the neighborhood, hoping to discover some acquaintance.
  • But the houses seemed uninhabited.
  • The flowers withered on parched gardens.
    • Back, cross the park of their playground, and climb the rocks.
  • There was nobody, nobody.
    • We'd Four: The Apple fan, The girl Opus Dei, me and the girl.
  • The streets looked as the early hours of the morning.
  • There were many parked cars, and little clutter.
  • From time to time he found a corpse; a sick person to whom death had surprised on the street.
  • Two dogs loitering near a body.
  • In one corner, the body of a man hanging on the cross of a telephone pole with a sign on his chest that read: Thief.
  • I entered, then in a commercial area, and then I saw some signs of violence.
  • The window of a liquor store was in tatters.
  • Looted local people beheaded without food, clothing or something that shows private property.
  • There was a terrible irony.
  • He had found a lone survivor, and was a poor old drunk, which was useless in this world or any other.
    • The man's eyes opened then, and anger me, became enormous pity.
  • Those eyes had seen too much.
  • There was fear and horror in them.
    • Dirty and diseased body somehow concealed a sensitive mind directly, deserved to die and searched an iron chair, I hit him as often as I could, until he died.
  • "I'm such a coward!" Upon leaving, this time I did not hear any sound, but back to the corner, she was there, standing in the middle of the street: a teenage girl with long legs and blond hair.
    • For a moment he did not move, like a deer caught in a forest clearing.
    • He ran to me, unfortunately, I wore a wrinkled and dirty suit.
    • He must sleep dress for some time.
    • He was a beggar, who trust me?
    • Further, Apple fanatic, saw a house, entered.
    • There were guitars, pianos, canned food, bottled drinking water.
    • We went into the other bedroom and saw an old, covered with a blanket in the corner, the smell was disgusting, it was a sight he had not bathed in weeks.
    • "What is the meaning of all this?" Asked the old man fearful.
    • "We do not know either.
    • Best bathe, watch out, there are many criminals out there, "said Apple fanatic. "Come on.
  • There is no reason to panic.
  • No one knows why he survived.
  • For some reason will be, "I said I am trying to motivate them.
  • I had to use my few moments of alertness and good humor.
  • At the end of the day, I learned that the world was not completely depopulated, was here or there, a living subject.
  • Fearful, but alive.
  • Perhaps as in Robinson Crusoe he should accept racism, slavery and cultural colonialism.
  • And many of the men and women who moved away, frightened of these villages, killed by pests and bombs, I would have the opportunity to take advantage of their property.
  • It was something to look for.
  • Perhaps it was meant to create a new world, start from scratch with a female by which reproduce.
  • Multiply, my children.
  • However, when I found myself in bed, in the dark, the image of the solitary life lost all its magic.
  • The luckiest roamed the city and fields, drinking in streams, in the sources, in the villages of red fish ponds.
  • They were looking everywhere for something to eat, chasing chickens, caught squirrels in a park.
  • And gradually the tortures of hunger erased centuries of bondage.
  • Stealthily they approached the unburied corpses.
  • There were bodies floating in the river, to the garden, in the streets, mainly inside houses.
  • Its members were becoming sulfur color, their outraged by foxes and wild dogs, lips also eaten by cannibals who no longer endured hunger, legs with tourniquets

Әр сөйлемді дұрыстауға көмектесіңізші - English