
Tekstong galing sa carmenxo2 - English

  • The Ugly Ducklings

  • I said that style is your attitude towards the person you are talking to.
    • But now I say that to have style means to be yourself.
  • Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
  • “To be yourself” and “to know your companion” are one and the same.
  • When I started to write my essays I already knew who I was: an ugly duckling.
  • And I realised that not even my eloquence would convince the typical ducks.
  • So there was nothing for me to try.
    • I learnt to speak clearly whilst I worked at school but to reach the same level as the pupils outside working hours So I immediately being to write for my own kind, that is, for the ugly ducklings.
  • The ugly duckling goes along its own path aimlessly.
  • All the big roads, railways and highways lead from one poultry yard to another and at each yard a bird will be pecked.
  • So he goes along, away from the big roads along the path where there will be trees, bushes, hills and maybe puddles or perhaps a lake… But nothing else.
  • You need to go on and on.
    • With one, well, hope that: this journey with no destination has its own hidden and inner purpose.
  • What I’m writing is for the ugly ducklings.
  • For those who don’t want to find the other poultry yard, but themselves.
  • If you don’t want this, if you like some sort of enhanced/adavanced poultry yard, then don’t read any further.
  • This isn’t for you.
  • This isn’t your journey.
  • I don’t want to tempt you and make you unhappy, to mislead you.
  • By all means travel by bus or train… But I’m walking.
  • Anderson’s duckling, finds a pond with swans in it and it looks into the water and sees that he too is a swan.
  • After that, there is nothing left for him to look for.
  • Everything has been found.
  • I think that with real-life ugly ducklings, this perhaps only happens in paradise.
  • And on Earth, the ugly duckling is still a duckling.
  • Although inside it may feel like a swan.
  • What is more, I am convinced that every ugly duckling has a pair of unopened swan wings, much like Napoleon’s soldiers and the marshal batons.
  • The ugly duckling can learn to fly.
  • It can experience the feeling of height over and over… Yet, on Earth it will again be an ugly ducking.

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English