
Мәтін алынған ... - English

  • Witch Hunting

  • I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes.
    • A myth is an ancient story about gods, heroes, and magic, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion.
    • A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
  • I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of myths.
  • Are myths beneficial to population?
  • To begin with, I'm going to explain what we know about witch hunting in 17th century then what we know about the Red Scare.
    • I will concentrate on beliefs and expectations that brought myths and I will show the danger some of myths.
    • The extract called “The witches of Salem” explain that American colonists believed in witches, they brought over their belief from Europe.
    • In Salem, Massachussets, mass hysteria was provoked by a group of girls who fell ill and claimed they had been bewitched and were tormented by some people in their community.
    • In the document about Puritanism in 17th century New England, we learn that witches were hunted down by Puritans.
  • Accused witches were arrested, tortured and often put to death.
  • Duning as often used to prove whether an accused woman was a witch.
  • Puritanism was based on a very strict moral code in which the notion of pleasure was considered as a sin.
    • They believed in witches and the devil.
    • Those who said to be under the influence of the devil were hunted don and arrested often without evidence, or because the were simply denounced by someone.
  • Witch hunting was justified to protect the community from devil.
  • In the text “The Hollywood blacklist” was described the phenomenon of MacCarthysm during the Red Scare in 1950s.
  • It refers to the period in the USA when there was a strong communist feeling.
  • At this time,an intensive,systematic campaign was directed against those who have done something wrong or hold different views.
  • The Hollywood blacklist show a list of writers,directors,producers who were suspected of having connections with the communist party or other subversive organisations.
  • These people suffered from harsh consequences, many of them lost their jobs, they had to find jobs such as bartenders,bus driver to survive and some of them committed suicide.
  • Those who had to witness in front of the government's committee had to confess that they didn't have connections with them.
    • To conclude, we can say that there is an analogy between the two eras in the fight against enemies of the enemies of the USA.
  • Both the Salem witch hunt and the Red Scare were triggered by fear.
  • Intolerance and hysteria ruined lives of many people.

Әр сөйлемді дұрыстауға көмектесіңізші - English