
Pesan dari uryutiger - English

  • What do borders mean to First people in Canada ?

    • The notion I'm going to deal with I spaces and exchanges.
  • This notion deals with the geographic and symbolic areas that societies occupy and the interaction between men and different societies.
  • An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else.
    • The exchanges can be of different nature : cultural, economic, or movement of people.
    • The interaction across the borders has become easier.
  • I'm going to illustrate it with the exemple of Canada, explaining “ What do borders mean to First people in Canada ?” Firstly, I'm going to speak about First people in Canada then, the conflict between borders and First people and finally about the recognizing First people.
  • There are many cultural groups.
  • The most easily recognizable are the Inuits and the First Nations (the Indians).Nowadays, more than half of the aboriginal live on reserves and they make up more than 1,2 million of Canada's population.
  • The Inuits : the aboriginal habitant of northern Canada and Greenland.
  • They are also called Esquimos.
  • They live on hunting such as whales and seals.
  • There are the Blackfoot who live in Montana and Alberta.
  • The are tensions between borders and First people.
  • In the case of the Blackfoot, they are not recognized and they are attached of their roots.
  • They think that the land belongs to everyone not just a nation or a community.
  • For them the notion of border don't exist.
  • The bordering nations : Canada,Norway,Russia,the USA and Denmark want the ressources which own to the Inuits, there are greedy for natural ressources.
  • The 5 bordering nations treat the Inuits as if they don't have the right to decide what they want to do with their own land and don't recognize the Inuits sovereignty.
  • On the other hand, the Inuits think that the ressources should be protected.
  • So they struggle against these counstries hich want to destroy their environment and steal their land.
  • They are good tempered, open-minded with people who respect them and their land as Graham Shonfield said after spending time as volunteer in a reserve.
  • First people have begun to be recognized for exemple Nunavut was created in 1999.