
Текст од poned - English

  • My Education Program

    • In today's developing business world, more and more firms establishing, but isn't easy to be survive in this area for a long time.
  • They need people who can make good strategies and predict the future situation and find opportunities.
    • Thus, they need good employees whic h are well-educated.
  • I want to be part of this world so, when I am setting my goals I consider a good education at the top.
  • I chose this program to have a good personal background to meet my expectations.
  • AOU College is a big opportunity.
  • Because to achieve my goals in business world I should be aware of my environment and I can expand my vision with an international education system.
  • In addition, I will have two diplomas one from Orhangazi University one from AUO.
    • After graduation, it makes me different than other candidates when I am applying for a job.
  • So, I chose AUO to make my dreams come true.
  • My expectation about AUO is that I can learn more about cultures, social, historical science as an international education.
    • I will take courses which will add value to my managing skills.
  • I will complete courses with different areas such as Natural Science, American History, Western Civilization, Humanities, Social Science together with Orhangazi University.
  • I am planning to take the following courses: Global Climate Change, American Immigration, and Business Ethics in these areas.
  • So, AUO will fill in the blanks with different education areas.
  • Furthermore, I am interested in marketing.
  • I want to work with big brands in their marketing department.
  • For marketing, it is very important to know about global trends, to know about their history, customs traditions.
  • U.S.A is a huge contitent, so I can find lots of brand to work with.
  • My courses will be related them for example American Immigration and it contributes to my career goals.
  • I have strengths in different areas.
    • As a student I can easyliy get adapted in new surroundings and it is really important for an international education system, because there are differences between other countiries.Like time, languages, people and cultures.
    • For example, in my first week, the virtual meeting was scheduled 12:00 a.m. in Turkey but this wasn't a problem for me.
  • I am also self-motivated.
    • If I fail an exam, I don't demorilise.
  • I do my best in the makeup exam.
  • I know we have always a second change in different ways.
  • I always pass my exam with my own motivation.
    • In addition, I want to learn more languaes like Spanish and German and graduaded with a high degree.
    • On the weekends, I work with my father.
  • He has a car rental company.
  • When I am working there, I am exploring my strenghts in employment area and improve my personel background.
  • I am skilled in problem solving.I can see situations from different perspectives and keep calm myself in time of crisis.
  • Accordingly, I can find the solution.
  • In addition, I pursied some strategies for my personel success.
  • Firstly, I refuse to let life run me.
  • I mean, I gain the control by organizing my daily life.
    • Second, I try to build relationships with people.
  • It is the best way of learning new things from experinced people.
  • Talking with them increases my verbal skills and adds value of my knowledges.
  • For example, in our job we meet new people everyday which have different jobs, experinces, perspectives so I try to explore these different ideas.
  • I believe that these experinces and skills will affect my grades.
  • Furthermore, I stay loyal to work ethics.
  • If there is a required deadline, I do whatever it takes to deliver.
  • I want to climb the steps one by one as an emplooyee with my strengths.Morever, my strengths in community services I am a good at relationships with people.I care about humanity.I am fair and obey the rule of non-discriminiation.It makes easy to be achieveable in taking responsibility.
  • Thus, the AUO program will strengthen my personal background.
  • It add value to my perspective, expand my international awareness and expand my managing skills.
  • When I finished my degree, I will be a well-educated person.I will get ahead in my professional career from others.