
Текст од MR-GLOT - English

    • factors which determinate happiness

    • Everybody seek their own happiness throughout live.
    • Some of us look forward the future and smile but others look backward the past and feel sad.
    • Part of those differences between us may cause by our biology.
    • Moreover there are factors which help us on this aspect these are money and health.
    • Although money does not give us happiness, it helps us to be healthier, to feel more safe or to buy every material thing that you want.
    • Another factor which help us to be happier as I said previously it is health.
    • When you are healthy and you do not have any problem you are able to do what you wish because you don’t have any limitation.
    • Lastly when you have good friends and close people around you it is another way to be happy.
    • Because human being are social animals since early in time.
    • To conclude, there are several factors which determinate happiness in human being like biology, money, health or relationship with others.