從Citylessx來的文本 - English

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    • I know that Brazil is always hot because of its geographical location.Mostly like, I am doing research about Latin Countries in the case of They drew my attention so much.Eventhough we are in spring season, a week ago it snowed.And I am still wearing boots and a jacket Have you ever seen a snow in your life?
    • (Just kidding generally I love asking this question to people who live in places with tropical climates.) I am really glad to hear nice news from you!
    • To be honest I was very sad for you because I thought it is a dangerous disease.I know a disease named Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) but it's not transmitted by flies like dengue fever cause its genetic.
    • But it has the same symptoms with dengue.We are in trouble with spring fever too.
    • When the seasons is changing it effects on people as sleeplessness, weakness and nervous.
    • Well, How's going your life?
    • Everything is okay?

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