
Text from AlexanderVorobyov - English

  • Libya under Muammar Gaddafi

    • It is for these "sins" killed Muammar Gaddafi: 1.
    • Gasoline cheaper than water.
    • 1 litre of petrol — 0.14 $ 2.
    • Newlyweds given away 64 000 $ on the purchase of apartments. 3.
  • Formation and medicine completely the free. 4.
  • For each member of the family, the state pays a year 1 000 $ of donations. 5.
    • Unemployment benefit — 730 $. 6.
    • Closed military bases of NATO. 7.
    • The salary of nurses — ,000 in cash. 8.
    • For each child is paid 7 000 $. 9.
    • On opening of personal business single financial aid — 20 000 $. 10.
  • Large taxes and requisitions are forbidden. 11.
  • GDP per capita — 14 192 $ 12.
  • Education and training abroad — at the expense of the state. 13.
  • Chain stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic foodstuffs. 14.
  • For the sale of products past their expiry date — large fines and detention units of secpolicy. 15.
  • Part of pharmacies — with free dispensing. 16.
  • Rents — is absent. 17.
  • Fee for electricity for the population is absent. 18.
  • Loans to buy car and apartments — no interest. 19.
  • Realtor services prohibited. 20.
  • Buying a car 50% is paid by the government 21.
  • Once in power, he expelled from the country by international corporations.
  • Only when Muammar Negroes of the South Libya has found human rights.
  • In forty years of its Board the population of Libya has grown three times.
  • Infant mortality decreased by 9 times.
  • Life expectancy in the country increased from 51 to 74 years.
    • Qaddafi made a decision to remove Libya from the global banking system and his example he wanted to follow in 12 Arab countries.