從Rubyhoba來的文本 - English

  • CORRECTION and make sentences

  • 1.
    • 7:30 in the morning/ sun shine/ leave home to go to wok.
    • 2. stand & watch fire/ wait for fire department to arrive// people run out of apartment building// smoke pour from windows.
    • 3. hear shout from above// woman stand at top-floor window// shout "help"// not able to get out.
    • 4. pass an apartment building near house/ notice smoke// see man at ground-floor window// shout "fire" call dire department on cell phone.
    • 5. later that day/ cook dinner/ doorbell ring// woman from apartment building stand at door// thank me &give me huge box of chocolates.
    • 6. fire engine arrive/ firemen put ladder up to window// rescue woman & carry her down// then put out fire.

请帮忙修正每一个句子 - English