טקסט של - English

    • people listen to different music at different times, why?

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    • Throughout history mankind has shown a great interest in various kinds of art from literature, painting to Music.
    • Every art form has its own way of connecting people from different societies by being a tool for transmitting and sharing feelings the artist experienced to others.
    • Music is one of the greatest art forms that humankind has developed over centuries and became part of our life.
    • There are many types of music like Rock, Jazz, classic, etc. people listen to different types of music at different times with different reasons, some listen to eliminate their stress and bring old memories while others believe that music has a spiritual effect which can give them peace and inspiration.
    • It is beyond any doubt that Music affects our emotions.
    • Some types of music can give us a sense of relaxation.
    • After a stressful hard working day, classic music can relax our bodies, distract our minds from the problems of the day and bring our good old memories.
    • On the other hand, loud music like rock which was created to reflect the anger can make us feel aggressive or insurgent.
    • That’s why rock music is so popular among teenagers who are desperately trying to show their anger in different ways.
  • Music has spiritual effect on us.
    • Listening to lyrics mixed with an effectual music can inspire and remind us the true potential that we have at the moment to become better.
    • If we listen to same lyrics without any music the effect would decrease or even some times it can lose its effect at all.
    • Also some people use the music as a gate to travel to a new world that one can feel the emotions he or she hasn’t experienced before.
    • All in all, music has become an important part of our lives.
    • We listen to music at different times of the day for different reasons.
    • Whether it is because we believe in its power on connecting people or just to eliminate our stress, the effect of music on our minds cannot be denied.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English