
Сообщение от 0Lina0 - English

  • Text: Should cellphones be banned from school?

    • In our school you can take your phones with you, but you aren´t allowed to use them.
    • Many students dont like this rule, because they want to take pictures of their class or chat with friends or their family in the breaks.
    • But more and more frequently our head teacher thinks about banning the mobile phones even on the way to school.
    • I want to inform you about my opinion.
    • Altough we have the rule, that we don´t use our phones at school, I know many people, who do this.
    • Even I sometimes look on my phone between break and class to see, if anyone wrote me.
    • I know no one, who doesn´t do this.
    • But I also see people using their phones in class, when we have boring tasks.
    • They write with each other on whatsapp, playing games or take pictures of their working classmates.
    • I think that nerves, because you always have to take care, that they don´t photograph you.
    • Furthermore I hate the ringing of a phone or these little "piep", if someone got a message and forgot to turn down the volume of their mobile phones, because that distrakt me a lot.
    • If our school would allow the using of mobile phones in , many things would change into the worst.
    • When the students use their phones so much, when they´re forbidden, how much would they use them, if they would be allowed?
    • So many students maybe wouldn´t talk to each other in breaks, no, they would listen to music or whatch series on their phones and I think in class tests everybody would secretly copy the right answers from their phones.
  • But what about banning mobile phones completely?
    • I think that´s also not a good idea.
    • First of all the school can´t control, who has his phone with him, and who has not.
    • The only thing that would be possible is, that the teacher collect all phones before school and give them back at end of school.
    • But that is very complicated.
    • And if we would leave our phone at home, they would loose their sense.
    • Our parents want to know, where we are and what if, we had an accidend?
    • We could´t call an ambulance.
    • Besides, nearly all of us have a long way to school, on which they want to play games or listen to music.
    • I think, the school should leave the mobile-phone-rules as they are.
    • There will be always people, who do forbidden thinks, but we have to live with that.

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