
ajulyav (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • To understand the most important characteristics of a society,

    • Our time characterizes the high level of urbanization.
  • More and more people live in cities every year.
    • But in the same time to understand the most characteristics of a society it is necessary to study not only its major cities, but also villages, settlements and towns.
    • Despite on the fact that a large part of a society is concentrated in big cities, it would not be correctly to analyze any society, based on characteristics of city residents.
    • The first reason is that population of any big city is mainly consist of people from other countries.
    • It is known that migration is one of actual topics nowadays.
    • For instance, to take into account Moscow it can be noticed that more than 50 percent of population of the capital are not Russian people.
    • There is the high level of migration from nearby countries, such as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and etc. These people can have the citizenship of another government, thus it would not give an objective assessment of the main characteristics of the Russian society, analyzing only the population of Moscow.
    • The next point why it is necessary to take into account population from other areas is that village is the root of the culture of any country.
    • It is known that a society started its development in villages and small settlements.
    • And the cultural features of any nation were born exactly there.
    • But then people left their villages due to modernization of a society and the opportunity to find a work in towns.
    • Now people might not even know the culture of their country in big cities.
    • According to the research, approximately 70 percent of population among young generation in Russian big cities prefers to cook semi-finished products or eat in restaurants; also these people do not know how to cook Russian cuisine.
    • But at the same time people in small villages cook a meal, consisting of traditional Russian foods.
    • Also it is impossible to say about the level of education in a society if only to study city residents.
    • It is known that people in big cities are more educated and have broad knowledge than people in small towns and especially in villages.
    • The main reason is that almost all universities and institutes are situated in cities rather than in villages.
    • And to understand the real situation in this sphere it is necessary to analyze population outside the cities.
    • In conclusion, studying of cities as a way to understand the most important characteristics of a society is only partially correct, because it does not illustrate the features of all society.

각 문장을 수정해주세요! - English

  • 제목
  • 문장 1
  • 문장 2
  • 문장 3
    • But in the same time to understand the most characteristics of a society it is necessary to study not only its major cities, but also villages, settlements and towns.
    • But inAt the same time, to understand the mostajor characteristics of a society, it is necessary to study not only its major cities, but also villages, settlements and towns.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
  • 문장 4
    • Despite on the fact that a large part of a society is concentrated in big cities, it would not be correctly to analyze any society, based on characteristics of city residents.
    • Despite on the fact that a large part of a society is concentratedliving in big cities, it would inot be correctly to analyze any society, based on the characteristics of its city residents.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
  • 문장 5
  • 문장 6
  • 문장 7
    • For instance, to take into account Moscow it can be noticed that more than 50 percent of population of the capital are not Russian people.
    • For instance, to take into account Moscow it can be noticed that more than 50 percent of population of the capitalMoscow are not Russian people.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • For instance, to take into account Moscow it can be noticed thatin Moscow, the capital, more than 50 percent of the population of the capital areis not Russian people.
  • 문장 8
    • There is the high level of migration from nearby countries, such as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and etc. These people can have the citizenship of another government, thus it would not give an objective assessment of the main characteristics of the Russian society, analyzing only the population of Moscow.
    • There is thea high level of migration from nearby countries, such as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and, etc. TBecause these people can have the citizenship of another government, thus it would not give an objective assessment of the main characteristics of the Russian society, analyzingif only the population of Moscow were analyzed.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • There is thea high level of migration from nearby countries, such as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and, etc. These people canmay have the citizenship ofunder another government, thuso it would not give an objective assessment of the main characteristics of the Russian society, to analyzinge only the population of Moscow.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
  • 문장 9
    • The next point why it is necessary to take into account population from other areas is that village is the root of the culture of any country.
    • The next point why it is necessary to take into account population from other areas is thatNext, the village is the root of the culture of any country.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • The next pointAnother reason why it is necessary to take into account the population ofrom other areas is that the village is the root of the culture of any country.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
  • 문장 10
  • 문장 11
  • 문장 12
    • But then people left their villages due to modernization of a society and the opportunity to find a work in towns.
    • But tThen, people left their villages due to modernization of a society and the opportunity to find a work in towncities.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 12
  • 문장 13
  • 문장 14
    • According to the research, approximately 70 percent of population among young generation in Russian big cities prefers to cook semi-finished products or eat in restaurants; also these people do not know how to cook Russian cuisine.
    • According to the research, approximately 70 percent of population amongthe young generation in Russian big cities prefers to cook semi-finished products or eat in restaurants; also these people do not know how to cook Russian cuisine.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 14
  • 문장 15
  • 문장 16
    • Also it is impossible to say about the level of education in a society if only to study city residents.
    • Also, it is impossible to say aboutdetermine the level of education in a society ifby only to studying city residents.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 16
  • 문장 17
    • It is known that people in big cities are more educated and have broad knowledge than people in small towns and especially in villages.
    • It is known that pPeople in big cities are more educated and have broader knowledge than people in small towns and especially in villages.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 17ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 17
  • 문장 18
    • The main reason is that almost all universities and institutes are situated in cities rather than in villages.
    • The main reason is that almost all universities and institutes are situlocated in cities rather than in villages.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 18
  • 문장 19
  • 문장 20
    • In conclusion, studying of cities as a way to understand the most important characteristics of a society is only partially correct, because it does not illustrate the features of all society.
    • In conclusion, studying of cities as a way to understand the most important characteristics of a society is only partially correct, because it does not illustrate the features of all society.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 20ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 20