
sneymax (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • About me

  • Hi, my name is Maxim, my friends call me simply Max.
    • I am born on the 22th of October in 1995 in Criuleni, which is a small city situated in about 40km from the capital of the Republic of Moldova.
    • It seems that since then I was interested by the cars.
    • I start to frequent the kindergarden in 1998.
    • I've got few records about it but they are very pleasant.
    • In 2002 is born my brother Marin.
    • I start going to school the next year, there I meet my classmates who I will study with until 9th school year.
    • I don't have the aspiration to study during this period of time, especially during last years when my parents buy my first Personal Computer.
    • I'm very interested of it and I start to spend much time with it.
    • I explore it virtually, understand how does it work and I find out what "performance" is.
    • So I start to upgrade my computer.
    • I like informatics lessons very much because we are studying alghoritms and Pascal, I often miss other subjects to stay more in informatics class.
    • My classmates note my interests to the computer and ask me to adjust their ones.
    • Voices go around and I become more known in my city.
    • Workout is the sport I practice parallely to the school and my hobby.
    • My dark part, which everyone of us has, calls me to code hacking programs by studying Visual Basic 2008 programming language.
    • I stop doing these jokes in few time and I continue to practice with the new language.
    • Finally I'm very lucky to meet my friend Alex; he will support me in programming and teach me many things since today.
    • Parallely I'm evolving my knowledge about web developing and so I begin to markupt web pages by using HTML and CSS.
    • I assembly computers and prepair them to sale in a Service Center for whole December of 2011.
  • My "first life" finishes on 11th of March when I move to Italy with my family.
    • I get residence in Arzago d'Adda, Procince of Bergamo and I start to frequent a course of italian language.
  • I register to "I.S.I.S.
  • Zenale e Butinone" during the summer and I'm ready to start a new school year.
    • My couse is "Graphics and Communication".
    • I change class on the 25th of February thnaks to my professors and make up for new subjects.
  • The end of the school year gives me good results.
    • The next year is particularly useful for me bacause of the courses of italian.
    • Also this year I get good marks I will receive an award for: "Io e lode", Confindustria di Bergamo.
    • When summer begins I register in a driving school and I start drive the car in October of 2014.
  • At the begining of 2015 I start again to study programming.
  • My friend Alex will teach me C/C++ language which will be very useful when I get a job for four months.
  • I will study other languages like PHP, JavaScript and learn to work with databases (MySQL).
    • I get my second award "Madonna delle Lacrime 2015", Treviglio thanks to my professors again and I get another one ("Elio Colleoni, I giovani incontrano gli anziani", CISL Pensionati) with a classmate in May 2015 for creating an immage and a essay on a social subject.
    • When I finish the third shool year, the school gives me a purpose which is to skip a school year.
  • I agree with the purpose, I study whole summer and pass the integrative exams in first days of September of 2015.
  • I'm becoming be interested in electronics too and Alex supports me in this.

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