
Pesan dari annaXD - English

    • yesterday I had a good day

    • Yesterday i woke up at 9. on saturday one don't have to school in Italy from a few years, two to be precise.
    • So i went to scout.
    • We met at half past nine and we stayed at scout base all the morning.
    • In february we usually organise a night dedicate to summer camp' s photos.
  • Yesterday morning we did a short presentation for this night.
    • After lunch we had a little free time .
    • Than we went to the beach and we played to "bandiera svizzera" and "mastino", they are two very funny games.
    • There was so cold!
    • It was cloudy and there was a lot of wind.
    • At three o' clock we returned at scout base and the trip finished.
    • So I went with my friends to the promende near the sea and we ate a slide of focaccia.
  • Then I went to my grandmum' s house with my family for dinner.
  • I ate fried meat with chips.
  • They were very good.
    • In the end I went out and I returned at home at about eleven.