
текст з - English

    • I describe my progress and aims in learning English

    • Every human language is very complex and English is the same: there is a wide range of infinite rules and exceptions.
    • It's very cool, when you can express your mind not only in your own language, but in the other one.
    • When I understand English native speaker and he or she understand me, it's encouraging.
    • But I would like to speak more fluently.
  • I'm fond of translating and this is my motivation for learning English.
    • I haven't earned money on this yet, so now I'm just ethusiastic and I'm translating TED videos for free.
    • As I would like to be translator, I think it's obvious that I want to improve my English skills, in particular, I want to expand vocabulary.My goal is advanced level.
    • As a translator I should know accurate meaning of English words and what words are appropriate in this situation.
    • I like to be aware of different linguistic stuffs therefore I sometimes study English in detail and learn specialized words, not only everyday language.
    • In general I'm studying physics in University, therefore I have learnt more specialized words which are relevant to physics and math.
    • I'm trying to learn Englisn effectively, but sometimes it's not that and I'm frustrating.
    • Now I have my own aims and after a while I'm going to score the results.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English