
Tekst fra - English

  • Telecommuting

    • The progres of technology during the last decades has deeply influenced our way of life and changed many of our habits.
  • Thanks to the development of highly performative computers, employees are henceforth capable of working for a company without having to go to office, by simply working on their laptop and submitting their work results via internet.
  • This procedure is called telecommunting.
  • This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting.
  • One argument that is often brought up when speaking about the impact that the progres of technology has on our life is that there is less direct contact between people.
  • From my point of view, working at home in front of a laptop is not quite the same as being in the office in person and discussing and arguing with others.
  • According to me, the interaction of co-workers enables us to come up with new and sometimes even ground-breaking ideas.
  • I think that working all alone at home doesn't provide the same opportunities as human interaction.
  • Then again, one big advantage of telecommuting is that the employees can spend more time with their families when they work from their home office.
  • For many young parents finding someone to take care of their child is a real problem and sometimes one of the two parents has even to quit his or her job in order to be with the child.
  • Telecommuting could help these people and enable them to be with their child without having to renounce to working.
  • Thirdly, I think that telecommuting is really beneficial for those who otherwise could not easily go to work such as people with a physical disability.
  • Telecommuting could allow those people to contribute to the well-being of a company.
  • It is well known that one of the hardships of having a handicap is social exclusion.
  • By letting those people work without forcing them to move from their home, they could participate in an activity that his socially valuarized.
  • Telecommuting could thus be a tool for social inclusion.
  • Even though there are many good points about telecommuting, I do preferworking in an office.
  • For me it is essential to have the opportunity to have direct contact with other people.
  • Moreover I do not bear the idea of spending all my day in my appartement.
  • If I spend a whole day locked in my own four walls I easily get sad and think that I have wasted my time, whereas if I get to meet and interact with other people I feel happy and fulfilled at the end of the day.
  • Nevertheless, I think that there are a couple of situations where telecommuting can be a reasonable choice such as the exemples given in the essay, but for the time being I would clearly prefer to work in office.

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