
نص من - English

  • Toefl Preparation, Essay

  • Hey everyone, I am currently preparing myself for the TOEFL.
    • As I am neither accompanied by an English-language teacher nor do I have anyone else who could check on the brief essays I made in order to get some practice for the writing part, I thought posting them online might be another way to get some contructive feedback on what to improve in my writing.
    • As I'd really need a good score on the TOEFL (the outcome being probably decisive for me getting to participate in an exchange program or not), I urge you to be as severe as possible and to mark any sentence or word which seems a bit off to you.
  • I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions.
  • Thank you very, very much!
    • Question: In some classes, course grades are based solely on exams, while in other classes, grades are based more on class participation than on exams.
  • Which type of grading do you prefer?
    • Use specific reasons to support your response.
    • Essay: If I was to choose between a grading-system which is exclusively based on exam scores and one which takes as well in consideration how the students have participated in class during the term, I would clearly prefer the second one.
  • There are several reasons that support this choice.
    • First of all, I think that participating in class is really essential for thoroughly understanding a topic.
    • It is scientifically proven that students learn much better when they are interacting with the professor and classmates.
  • By giving good grades to those who regularly contribute to discussions in class, the professor encourages other students to adopt a more active attitude in class.
    • Not only does this grading system create a good learning environement but moreover it is a lot more likely to reflect the students real competences.
    • Many students get bad scores on their examens because they can not handle the stress.
    • Furthermore, in most cases there is only one final exam which is decisive for the students mark.
    • Therefore, a student who spent a lot of time preparing the exam might score a bad grade because he didn't perform well that day, whereas classroom participation is evaluated during the whole term and depends thus much less on the daily form of the students.
    • Last but not least, I think that is much more sensible to base the grades on students on class participation, because by these means the professor can also analyze the students relational competences.
    • Whereas answering a couple of question on a copy doesn't require to interact with another person, debating in class does.
    • Being able to understand the point of view of another person and to argue in a peaceful and respectful manner is crucial for the students later work.
    • Since university should prepare the students for their work, I consider that this marking system would be most beneficial to everyone.

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