
Poruka od vitorhugobz - English

    • What is one of the most important decisions you have made?

    • What is one of the most important decisions you have made?
  • Why was this decision important?
  • Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
    • Deciding for a major at university was probably the most important decision I have ever made.The major will better qualify me for a discrete career.
    • Directly and indirectly the career highly influences your daily activities, circle of friends, financial stability and the place you call home.
    • I had to consider all this factors to come to the conclusion what I want to do with my life.
    • Work is not just a part of the day when you are dedicating partly of your day time to pay the bills, afford a house and a car and seize the modern nightlife.
    • Time dedicated to work is the greatest on our day basis, so its activities should be appealing and interesting to us in order to keep motivated to work.
    • Not only work activities takes big part of our time, it also changes our personality.
    • Doctors, lawyers, engineers, teacher every worker might work the same time, but due to their work tasks, they have their life shaped according to their jobs inevitably.
    • Teachers might behave correcting other peoples mistakes constantly, while lawyers may hide the truth for their personal reasons.
  • Career means personality, in one way or the other.
  • Career also defines the place where you will live.
    • Petrol engineers are often sent to explore inhospitable regions for years, while programmers can travel easily around the whole world while working on software design.
    • Maybe your dream job will take you far from dream city.
    • Another important factor to be consider is the financial stability.
    • Choosing a major is a sort of bet, since some careers such as actors or writer might be inspiring, but they have lower chances to make a living compared to doctors or lawyers, for example.
  • In summary, deciding a major means a diversity of details in your life that at the end represent who you want to be.
  • I had to choose wisely and consider all these factors, even not knowing exactly, in what I was getting into.
    • But I am glad I choose Mechanical Engineering.