
Texto de Symmons - English

  • 26.1

  • We went to Aston Hall with Janet this morning.
    • Just before that we went in a bicycle shop in Aldridge in case I find a good cheaper bike but I didn't.
    • The weather was very cold and windy, we waited in the pub of Aston Hall and got coffee, mine was awful and I don't drink it.
    • After waiting a few minutes we visited the castle with a guide, we was only 6 peoples.
    • It was a very lovely place with many beautiful decorations and items in wood like chairs and tables...
    • I also enjoyed to see the withdrawing room where owners had some relaxing after dinner before.
    • When we leave we went to the place where the guy who shell the bike I was looking for live.
    • We drove on a flipping narrow road to reached that place...
    • I thought that it was 25 pounds but it was not a fixed price on the internet so he let me the bike for 55 pounds, I hasn't any money so Janet gave me the rest to completed the price and I will bring her back the money later.
    • Afterwards we went to a pub called The Red Lion where we had a very good lunch with a nice red wine in a smart place.
    • We had a very good time together and I learnt some new words she teach me.
    • Then we went back home for having a drink and also we have a new host.
    • She is a girl from Canada, she is with us for a few days because she want to visit her sister.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English