
Pesan dari Symmons - English

  • 24.1

    • I stayed at home in the morning and waited for Scott, he went to helped me to sort out with my bank account to be able to see my bank account and also make a transaction.
    • He phoned the bank and they said that they will send me a new letter with new password there was a problem in the system website.
    • Then he gave me a lift to Walsall because I made a plan with Freddy to workout together in my gym.
    • I was waiting for him 10 minutes and we had a chest session together, also we spoke a long time so the session during more of 3 hours.
    • After worked out I came with him nearly his home and we was talking about our future plans to travelling in the UK; we are looking for a trip in Glasgow.
    • I went back home later, 7.30 pm and had a shower and relaxing.