טקסט של - English

  • In Harmony with Nature

  • Nature is an amazing and perfect world of harmony of forms and colors.
    • Being a part of nature, man has always tried to take it as a basis both in architecture and in other areas.
  • Throughout the history of their architectural and construction activity people often turned to the natural environment.
  • They saw that its constructive forms are perfectly adapted to the environment and at the same time perform technical functions.
  • Constructions of beavers and termites, birds' nests are the patterns that people followed when they started to build their first home.
  • Later on there appeared columns – artistic counterparts of trunks.
  • The appearance of steel, concrete and glass in construction, as well as the need for the large amount of housing space, separated the man from nature and gave the world giant skyscrapers.
  • However, subsequently there was a sudden return to nature – there appeared bionics, an architectural movement, which in fact, copied natural shapes and converted them into architecture.
    • Along with bionics there appeared the organic architecture, which did not blindly follow the architectural forms, but the one that fit in well with the natural landscape, existing in harmony with nature.
    • The greatest example of organic architecture is "Fallingwater" created by an American architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
  • In Mill Run, Pennsylvania in the Bear Run Nature Reserve where a stream flows at 400 metres above sea level and suddenly breaks to fall at 9 metres, Frank Lloyd Wright designed an extraordinary house known as Fallingwater that changed the relationship between man, architecture, and nature.
  • The landscape inspired Wright to create a complex system of terraces, hanging over each other.
  • The low ceiling and a large amount of stone in the decoration create a sense of space carved out as a cave.
  • Another striking example of organic architecture is the stone house in the mountains “Mountain Retreat”.
  • It is a small house on the banks of a mountain lake Wakatipu, New Zealand, built by the “Fearon Hay Architects”.
  • A one-story house, decorated with local stone, literally grows into the mountain.
  • The glass façade gives ease and light to the house, uniting it with the surrounding beech forests.
  • The house perfectly blends with the mountainous landscape of the region.
  • Thanks to such materials as concrete, glass, wood and stone, as well as the color scheme and non-standard placement of such houses, they exist in harmony with the environment.
  • But despite this, all of these examples of organic architecture easily perform all the functional and practical demands.
  • These homes are considered to be modern and relevant regardless of the year of their construction.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English