
Text von fajo - English

  • Internet or real life ?

    • I became an addict of internet surfing.
    • Least once in the journey, I make exchanges.
  • It's my daily drug.
    • Then I wait with impatience the dialogue with the others because it's important for me.
  • It's like a continuity that I mustn't stop.
    • May be I make wrong road in my ideas.
    • A person always tells me : "Don't forget, I'm an half-real.
    • It's together funny and disappointing because I created a link with him.
  • I feel like a kind of urgency to exchange because I know aptly I can lose him if I don't maintain the link.
  • It becomes an addiction.
  • The difference with the real life is that you don't apprehend this untouchable relation in the same form.
    • In the real life you have many possibilities to catch up the events, but on internet it's impossible.
  • And the other hand, behind the screen, you can live colour less or exciting stories.
    • You don't have to look for apologies about your look, your position and one else.
    • You can say your deep thoughts without hiding you.
    • But I'm like that.
  • I often first dream, then I relativize because it's a thing that I can't reach.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English