
Tekst fra - English

  • Long relationship

    • hello ..
    • My neam is Samia I am 31 years old i am marred and i have fore children three boys and one girl I got a bachelor of Physic in 2008 and now i work in company I happy to be here and I wish from you help me in learn English Thank you

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  • Sætning 2
    • My neam is Samia I am 31 years old i am marred and i have fore children three boys and one girl I got a bachelor of Physic in 2008 and now i work in company I happy to be here and I wish from you help me in learn English Thank you
      Stem nu!
    • My neame is Samia I am 31 years old i am married and iI have foure childrens three boys and one girl¶I got a bachelor of Physic in 2008 and now iI work in company ¶I'm happy to be here and I wish from you help me into learn English¶Thank you
    • My neame is Samia. I am 31 years old i. I am married and iI have foure children, three boys and one girl. I got a bachelor of Physics degree in 2008, and now iI work in a company. ¶I'm happy to be here and I wish from youould like it if you would help me in learn English.¶Thank you
    • My neame is Samia .I am 31 years old i. I am married and iI have foure children- three boys and one girl.¶I got a bachelor of Physics in 2008 and now iI am working in a company ¶I am happy to be here and I wish from youto get some help me in learning English¶Thank you
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