
Text from Fillop123 - English

  • In some countries

  • an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food.
  • It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food.
    • To what extent do you agree or disagree with this position?
    • Regarding the issue of that a lot people are overweight caused by eating too much fast food, some people think that government has to put an extra tax on this kind of food.
  • In my opinion, a higher tax can not stop this kind of issue.
    • Firstly, fast-foods started their companies offering cheap and unhealthy foods, which means that even with an higher tax, people will afford an hamburger at Mc Donald’s.
    • Therefore, usually, a person who goes often to these kind of restaurants is wealthy.
    • I believe that governments has to tackle the obesity issue with another approach.
    • They must promoting an healthy and balanced life-style, instead focusing on fast-foods.
  • They are not the real enemy.
    • The worst thing is a sedentary life-style.
    • In fact there are plenty of people who don’t like fast food and which are over-weight too .
    • On the other hand, everyone knows how many calories have an hamburger of Mc Donald’s.
    • But, in their defense, in the last few years they have increased the quality of food and are trying to change for an healthier solution.
    • For instance, Mc Donald’s, few months ago, promoted the veggie burger.
    • Which is an hamburger for vegan people.
    • In conclusion, fast-foods are still bad for our organism and, most of all, for our weight.
  • But it is not just their fault if 40% of the population is overweight.
    • All it needs is to improve our life-style and lower the consume of fat foods.