
Text from Fillop123 - English

  • The table illustrates

  • The table illustrates the percentages of income spent by adults, men, women, children, boys and girls on four different common items in the UK in 1998.
  • Overall, children are who spent most of their income in these four categories of items, with a sum of 84%, during that year.
  • The category which they spent more of their money is music.
  • Furthermore, Children spent more than others on electronic equipment and music.
  • Whereas, men are who spent less than all, with a sum of 31% of their income.
  • In terms of food, women spent the most with 39%.
  • The expenditure of adults was also high (25%) compared to children who spent the least (10%).
  • The lowest expenditure was on videos which accounted under than 20% for each member of the family.
  • Boys spent most on these items with just 18% of their income.
  • Although, the last value consider is high compared to women (0,5%).